Week 2 - Weekly News Post

Weekly News Post

 1.     Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior


This is a research paper from Stanford and Google. They used the ChatGPT model to simulate a town composed of 25 AI villains with different personalities and positions. They will use natural language to communicate with each other, they will have a daily routine like us humans and have a certain degree of memory ability. I was really shocked when I saw this, especially the memory part. They will execute or plan their next action through memory, which really looks like a real person to me.


2.     Imagica – Brain AI


This is a new AI software I saw this week, an App generation software from Brain AI called Imagica. It can generate an App that a user needs by way of a prompt (language description). That is to say, users can create an App without having any programming ability. According to their news description, in the software demo stage, the youngest App creator is only 14 years old.
